April 9, 2004 with The Reacharounds

Sunday April 4, 2004

* The Return of The Reacharounds

That’s right, the almighty The Reacharounds are returning for a show on April 9th. They are opening the show and these guys kick some major ass so head down to Bernie’s Distillery early on April 9th to hear a full night of kick ass music. I can’t rant enough about the quality of this show, so don’t miss it.

* Upcoming Shows (check shows page for more):

Friday April 9
Location: Bernie’s Distillery
Time: 10pm
Line-up: Children of Reagan, A Planet for Texas, The Narcoleptics x5, The Facials, The Reacharounds

We are currently booking more so keep checking back…

* Proud to be Part of SFL Records
That’s right we just signed on with SFL Records out of Cleveland. We’re hoping this will lead to great things for us and for SFL Records. If you’re not familiar with SFL Records check out their site and give them your support. They are on the road to becoming and major label in the punk rock scene and we are proud to be early on the bandwagon with them.

* New MP3s now available
We just put up some new studio mp3s that have not been available for a while. You can find them from the Sounds link or directly here.

* T-Shirts are still available
After 5 years we finally broke down and got some T-shirts and they fucking kick ass. Professionally screen printing… 2 colors on black shirts… sporting the Reagangram logo. We have M, L, XL, and XXL. They are going for only 10 bucks a piece. Either order them from us here (shipping is only 2.50 any in the US… email us for international rates), or catch up with us at a show and one is yours. We’ll even throw in some stickers and other stuff.

* Stuff to do not yet on the menu
We are constantly adding new parts and things to our site, but it takes us a while to get around to actually adding buttons and stuff for you to get to them. Check out all the parts of the site that are hidden from normal view:

– Children of Reagan Review Everything (new and improved)
– Show Journal
– Reviews of Children of Reagan
– Other Junk

Take a moment and let us know you were here, what you think, what you think of us, anything you want by Signing the Guest Book.


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